Tuesday, July 31, 2012

President Obama gay marriage billboards censored throughout the United States

Billboards featuring President Obama presiding over gay marriages between leading Republican politicians have been banned across America. The images were created using look-alikes to announce the gay and lesbian versions of the dating website BeautifulPeople.com. The campaign even includes a “wedding album.”

As the ban came too late to change the campaign, the billboards were put up with the images obscured and the words "censored" written across them. The censored billboards provoked a flood of online speculation as to the identities of the couples. One billboard shows a loving embrace between the Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and Donald Trump. Another billboard features former presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann kissing Sarah Palin.

Apparently, the only place in America that would take the uncensored billboards was on the side of a truck. The billboard truck was driven all around New York before parking up outside Trump Towers. BeautifulPeople.com, of course, are claiming that the “light-hearted” campaign was conceived in response to the heated political debate about same-sex unions in the United States. The Dating Examiner says, “Here’s your 15 minutes.”

The Supreme Court is due to hear several challenges to a 1996 law, which defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman. In May, President Obama came out in support of gay marriage, setting him apart from Mr. Romney and the vast majority of Republicans.

On a positive note, the dating website has committed to playing an active role in the national effort to legislate equal rights for the LGBT community. The company has promised to give 15 percent of membership dues from every same-sex membership to nonprofit organizations championing marriage equality.

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